Sunday, July 27, 2008

First Bath!!

No crying for me! I'm not scared of no bath. I think Mama was more worried than I was on account of the temperature of the water.

The fine art of Chiropractic

As you can see Mama is trying to trick me with the ol' pinkie/nipple switch-a-roo whilst Dr. Anna gives me my first infant adjustment. Hooked on the Chiropractic now like a drug addict to crack. Thanks Dr. Anna! Make your appointment with Dr. Anna now!!

Rowan gets some Uncle Chad time

Uncle Chad was lucky enough to be in town the day I was born. This picture was taken that day. I was nice enough not to cry on the old boy. Seriously with the hair.....I got more than Uncle Chad and way more than Papa.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Legend of Rowan is Alive!!

Rowan Dean was born on June 17th 2008 and weighed in
at 8.7lbs. Very healthy size indeed!!

Nap Time

Nap Time
I'm livin the life

Nap #2

Nap #2
You can never get enough sleep