Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Max'n and Relax'n

Here I am....just chillin' on the couch. My hair never looked so good!! I must have spent 20 minutes on it today.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Regular Nap

I'm finally starting to get the hang of napping. Not always easy when your arms and legs want to move about independently like mine do. I reckin I'll have it down pat in another month or two.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Grams and Pappy come for a visit

They say that you get the most visitors right when you come into this world and I gotta say I think "they" might be right. Is that a horse on Grandpa's shirt? I think you can never have too many horses on your clothes. Most of my clothes have puppies and trucks at this stage but I'm sure one of these days I'll have horses too!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hangin' with Auntie and Uncle

My Agent/Papa usually doesn't let me get shuffled around like this picture suggests but I gotta make money somehow. People like to get their picture taken with me....what am I gonna do? It's complex I know.
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Car Seat Yo!

Normally I hate the car seat but this day was especially good to me so I decided to not cry my eyes out whilst in the damn contraption! And no, I don't use hair gel it just looks that good!

Moby is my friend

On occasion my Mama and Papa like to stick me in this orange contraption. Really it's like a giant sheet that they wrap all around them and me. As dorky as Papa looks in it is sure is comfy. I get some of my best zzz's in the Moby wrap.

Midwife Extraordinaire

Here we see my midwife at my 2nd home visit appointment. She was very caring and helped bring me gently into the world. I couldn't have done it without her! Thanks Carolee!

Nap Time

Nap Time
I'm livin the life

Nap #2

Nap #2
You can never get enough sleep