Friday, October 17, 2008

Ninja's Unite!!

I'm pretty sure this little outfit is not flame retardant but I feel it's necessary for all my fans to see me in it. You may not know but I am, and have been, a part of the Mini Ninja Clan which was started in Oly ChinaTown many moons ago. I have mastered all the skills of the Mini Ninja and have begun to go by my new ninja name......Eagle Ninja which is emblazened on my belly protector.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hungry, Hungry Rowan!

Papa had told me about this hungry, hungry hippo but I find he's not really hungry at all. He really just kinda lays there. In this photo you can see me sampling his arm. So it's really me that's the hungry, hungry......Rowan!

Arsenal loses to Liverpool in a shocker!!

My good buddy, Kevin is a die hard Arsenal fan! He insisted that I wear this fine footy outfit. I'm sure if I had anything to say about it I'd be wearing a Liverpool kit! I do look nice in burgundy though.

Nap Time

Nap Time
I'm livin the life

Nap #2

Nap #2
You can never get enough sleep